Witness To End Of Empire
Tony Hearne
The retired British settlers were split two ways – Let’s get the hell out of here before we are all slaughtered in our beds, many armed themselves with pistols and shotguns; the other half remained complacent; Sit tight we’ve seen all this before, it will blow over in a few weeks and life will go on just the same.
The Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs who were caught on the wrong side, were quite definite in what they had to do. They had to move to the other side as quickly as possible.
Tony Hearne, just a young man at the time, bore witness to political intrigue, acts of great courage and determination and sickening atrocities. These images and this story have lived with him all his life.
This tale charts a vivid adventure, which no man would have willingly sought, but which brings to life a passionate period in history which has changed the political contours of India and Pakistan and the lives of the people. The words will resonate with many an old soldier and maybe provide an insight to a younger generation who perhaps cannot imagine living in such fearful and tumultuous times.
1.00 from the cover price of every book will be donated to The Royal British Legion.
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Available at AMAZON.COM. ISBN: 9780955569869
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