Hi all,

(Note: Julia’s mother is Anglo-Indian and her father is Tasmanian –BELOW IS AN E-MAIL OF INTRODUCTION BY REG SHIRES

We were privileged to have Pat Whitty and her daughter Julia Whitty for tea yesterday. We had met Pat at Blair Williams’ book launch in New Jersey. She lives at Riderwood in our community and is a Anglo-Indian from Calcutta. Donn came along when we visited Pat. Yesterday she brought her daughter Julia Whitty along and it turns out she is a very successful young author writing in the field of the future of our environment and her work has won many famous awards. Thought you’d like to look up what she has written. She is very much Anglo-Indian and loves her culture and its people and is working on a novel on the subject. I didn’t realize she is so famous when she visited yesterday. Run a Google search on her name and you’ll find out how well she has done. I’ll give you this one link to one of her books. http://julia.whitty.googlepages.com/