Do Miracles Occur?
A Small Testament on the Power of God and His
I thought that a little incident that took place at my home
on Holy Saturday (6th April 1996), I should share with you all. On Saturday,
as on every day, the cooking was to take place in my house and had commenced.
Around 9 AM there was a shout from the maid in the kitchen, to my wife
Maisy, to come immediately to the Kitchen. My wife went to the kitchen
to see what the confusion was, and just shouted for me saying that there
was something wrong and please come. I went there expecting to find some
rat or the other around when I was confronted with a scene that I had to
take in within a couple of seconds. The gas stove seemed to be on fire,
the table on which it was resting seemed to be on fire, and it was strange
that the fire was coming from behind the table and underneath and not on
it... very confusing .. Both my wife and the maid were shocked into a trance
and I picked up half a bucket of water and threw on the fire. It did not
go out, and in fact made a roaring sound. My next move was to see where
the fire was, and I looked around and I got a greater shock, the tube to
the gas cylinder was on fire and it was closing on the cylinder itself.
I has seconds to close the cylinder or else it would have blown up, taking
probably the lives of my wife, my maid and myself, for the gas cylinder
was full!!
I do say that the Lord had a hand on all of us, and a special guardian angel did look after us ... Just that morning our maid Papama put a Cross in chunam(white powder she likes to chew with tobacco) on the gas stove. She is a Hindu, but Christian in thought , word and deed. I saw it that morning, and did not remove it . If she had Faith, I needed to learn from her. Looking back, we found that the gas rubber tube had become soft and we neglected to replace the same. This was the main cause. We hear of so many accidents in other peoples houses, but when it comes to our own... it's something else.
If I was also not busy with getting papers ready for Cora's research, I would not have been at home.. what a thought! I would like to bring to you all the fact that we cannot always take things for granted, and although we do know that God has a hand on us, we must not keep testing Him. Please do check on your gas stoves, the tubes, the cylinders for leaks, above all do keep water always stored near the fire. My wife opened the tap to fill a bucket of water to throw!!
Now, What do you think? Do Miracles Occur These Days?
The answer is Yes, and the above is an example of such occurrences, if only we have Faith. As you all are aware that I have been researching a Martyr called Cora Pereira (Edith Corrine Pereira), I am positive that she has worked her first Miracle of intercession to God to spare our lives, and the purpose would be to show that Christ is Alive and works through people Dead or Alive. Holy Saturday was a great day to be resurrected! Perhaps we could seriously think of praying to Cora to intercede to Jesus for us on Earth, you cannot tell what Miracle can come your way unless you try! It's good to be alive!! Thank You Jesus, Thank You Cora!! Ronnie Johnson The above narration may not seem to be a Miracle or near one. Just a brief background... I had left the house before the incident, reached the gate, but was turned back because I had to distribute some enquries to people about Cora Pereira, hence I opened the files and was preparing sets for distibution. If I had not been delayed by this my wife, maid and children would have been blown up or seriously injured as they were just frozen watching the flames, and did not move to do anything except shout. Remember that the investigation about Cora had not yet been concluded, it had to end and I had to find the true story. God has His ways of telling us if the direction we are taking is according to His will. From January, I have been experiencing tremendous opposition from different forces, I got hit-an-run while waiting for a traffic signal, my son developed very high viral fever, and so many things, just to put me off my research, and dishearten me. But the Grace of His Love and Guidance through a priest Fr. Ronnie kept me going on and on. Now I hope you understand why I asked if miracles occur and why I beleive in them.
Send me e-mail to: Ronnie Johnson
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Thought for the Day:" Blessed are you poor, For yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now, For you shall be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, For you shall laugh. Blessed are you when men hate you, And when they exclude you, And revile you, and cast out your name as evil, For the Son of Man's sake. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy! For indeed your reward is great in heaven, Fon in the manner their fathers did to the prophets. But woe to you who are rich, For you have received your consolation. Woe to you who are full, For you shall hunger. Woe to you who laugh now, For you shall mourn and weep. Woe to you when all men speak well of you, For so did they fathers to the false prophets." Holy Bible: Luke 6:20-26