This School was founded in 1868, and is situated on St. Mark's Road and Residency Road Junction. It was affiliated to the Madras University from 1871 to 1882, and in 1910 was in charge of the S.P.G. Mission from Trichinopoly. In the 1920's there was accommodation for 120 boys as boarders.
Going through the Mysore and Coorg Directory of 1883, (belonging to the famous Historian Mr. Kora Chandy, Bangalore), one finds that the School was referred to as "Bishop Cotton School and College". The Course of Instruction pursued in the College and Grammar School was brought in unison with the requirement of the Madras University for the Matriculation, First in Arts and B.A. Examinations, for which Pupils were presented at Bangalore. Boys were specially prepared for English Examinations. French, Drawing, Music and Dancing were taught when required. For the boarding, every Pupil must bring sheets, blankets, pillow-cases, towels and a Chest of Drawers. The School was very strict in discipline. Boarders, boys and girls, live with the Warden, and Head Mistress, respectively.
The Schools (Boys and Girls) and College were run by a Committee. Really going back into time the President in the Year 1883 was Sir. J.D.Gordan, Resident of Mysore and Chief Commissioner of Coorg. Vice President was The Venerable the Archdeacon. Some of the Members of the Committee were Lieut.Col C.A. Sim, Col. Travers, Maj. Maltby, G.G. Brown, Rev. T.M. Walker, Rev. H. Pope, Rev. A.H. Hildesley, Hon. Secretary was A.F. Dobson, Hon. Treasurer was H.C. Gooch, Visitor - The Rt. Rev. The Lord Bishop of Madras, Warden was Rev. A.H. Hildesley.
Staff - Boys' Department , G.P.P. Flynn, J. Adolphus, C. MacDonald, S. Clark. Girls' Department. Miss. Edith Gow, Miss. E. Wells and Miss. E. Maiden.
The College Forms in each Department were taught by the Warden. Music by Mrs. A.M. Short, French by Mdme. Viscardi and Drawing by T. Mootoosawmy Pillay.
The Principal, Staff, and Students of Bishop Cotton Boys' High School, Bangalore, Wish All Indians on the Occasion of the , Peace, Joy, Friendship, Love, and God's Blessings, and Welcome the World to Join in this Celebration at Bangalore in India, on .
This page is opened for the Old Students of Cotton's and also the Present Students.
( The above photographs taken by Ms.Sabine (nee Kalldorf) Calkins, old student of Bishop Cotton Girls School 1966, have been sent for this Home Page. Request to Students and Old Girls to send in their memories and photos to make up the page.) Sabina will also be helping to maintain this page with information, photos, etc., you may also send her your inputs, articles, photos on Bishop Cotton Girls' High School. For an idea, check out the St. Joseph's Boys' High School, OBA Home Page!
Dear Former Students of Bishop Cotton Girls' High School,
My name is Sabine Calkins (Kalldorf) and Igraduated from BCGS in 1966/67 (i.e. I left India/Bangalore in Dec 66 after completing my ISC Exams.)
I have recently been in touch with Ronnie Johnson who has a Bangalore Web Site. After thanking him for his wonderful site that allowed me to rekindle my fondness of and interest in B'lore - and the old school, we reminisced a bit via e-mail and I offered to send him scans of pictures I took of the school in '66. He made a special BCGS page for them (see pictures above).
I am hoping that this is just the beginning of a lively and picturesque bcgs page. All former students are invited to send images and recollections to Ron (or Me) and we will add them to the page. at this point the info is very general.
Do you have something to contribute? Photos and writing must be your own or used by permission because of copyright laws.
On a personal note: I now live near Seattle, Wa. on the West Coast of the USA. I have last briefly visited the school in 1978. Since I left india in '66 I have not had contact with former class mates, with one exception - but we also lost touch. is there an addreess in connection with the school where former students can try to find each other? I know of an O.G.A. in England, but none in B'lore.
I'd be pleased to hear from you or see your contributions on the BCGS Home Page.
Greetings and Best Wishes,
Sabine email (does not work now)
e-mail: (or)
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Thought for the Day:" Blessed are you poor, For yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now, For you shall be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, For you shall laugh. Blessed are you when men hate you, And when they exclude you, And revile you, and cast out your name as evil, For the Son of Man's sake. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy! For indeed your reward is great in heaven, Fon in the manner their fathers did to the prophets. But woe to you who are rich, For you have received your consolation. Woe to you who are full, For you shall hunger. Woe to you who laugh now, For you shall mourn and weep. Woe to you when all men speak well of you, For so did they fathers to the false prophets." Holy Bible: Luke 6:20-26