In this the fourth issue of the journal we have two pieces of writing. The first article is by a new Anglo-Indian author Almeda Glenn Miller who has written a semi-autobiographical piece about travelling to India to rediscover her Anglo-Indian "roots". Almeda has substantial experience working in the publishing industry, she is also teaching writing in academia. The second piece of writing appearing in this issue of the journal is by Esther Lyons. Esther is a regular contributor to the Anglo-Indian Wallah and writes, once again, about her experiences in post independence India.
Dr. Adrian Gilbert - Editor, The Anglo-Indian Wallah.
The editor will consider for publication pieces of fiction dealing with the Anglo-Indians. The work may be historical or current. Material should be sent to the Editor - The Anglo-Indian Wallah, The Centre of Anglo-Indian Studies, 1 Kurt Place, Noble Park, Victoria, Australia. 3174. Alternately, material may be sent directly via E-mail to the Editor Dr. Adrian Gilbert