In Jon Godden's the City and the Wave (1954: 68), an Anglo-Indian says "Perhaps it would be better if we were to gradually die out and vanish from the scene." Whilst the disappearance of the Anglo-Indians has been predicted many times, it appears that the Anglo-Indians, as a group, are not dying out. Research in Australia indicates that the Anglo-Indians are quite a successful group, my article about the attainment of Anglo-Indians in Australia appears in the Journal. In India the Community continues to maintain its identity and pride, Dr. Ann Lobo discusses their educational performance in India. Further, there are thriving Anglo-Indian communities in England and Canada.
The publication of the International Journal of Anglo-Indian Studies marks a resurgence of Anglo-Indian pride, identity and community. Rather than disappearing we are now witnessing substantial interest in the maintenance of our Anglo-Indian history and culture. This level of interest has not been seen since the 1940's and 1950's in India. With the publication of Gloria Moore's books in the mid-1980's, one of which is reviewed in the present journal, the latest cycle may be said to have started. Moore's work was concerned primarily with rediscovering Anglo-Indian history and debunking the old myth's that Anglo- Indians had some sort of chip on their shoulders. After reading Moore's books no Anglo-Indian can be left without a powerful sense of achievement and a strong feeling of pride in our Anglo-Indian history.
In the past the Anglo-Indians have repeatedly produced individuals who have chronicled our history and analysed our problems. Today, it appears we have reached just such a point once more. The present issue of the journal begins with an introductory piece by Gloria Moore. It is followed by articles that contain the findings of researchers from Australia and England about the academic and economic attainment of Anglo-Indians. The innaugral edition of the Journal concludes with a critique of Anglo-Indian stereotypes by a Canadian.
Adrian Gilbert - Editor, The International Journal of Anglo-Indian studies.
Godden, J. (1954). The City and the Wave. Joseph: London.
Dr. Gloria Moore is an Anglo-Indian. She was born in Lucknow, India and grew up in Jamalpur, Bihar during the final years of the Raj. She can be credited with assisting in the latest resurgence in Anglo-Indian pride and commitment and the growing interest in the maintenance of their identity, history and culture. She is the author of two books dealing with the Anglo-Indians and many articles. She has a Master's from the Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Monash University, Melbourne Australia and has recently been awarded her Ph.D.
Dr. Ann Lobo is an Anglo-Indian. Her maiden name was Selkirk. She was born in India in 1939 and completed her secondary education in an Anglo-Indian school in Bandra, Bombay in 1956. She is a Fellow of the Trinity College of Music, London. She possesses a Bachelor of Education Degree from the University of Reading (1986), a Master's Degree in Education in Multicultural Urban Areas (1988) from the University of London Institute of Education and a Doctorate from the University of London Institute of Education (1994). She is Head of Music in an inner-London school and recently gave a paper at Oxford University (OXCON) in September 1995 on Language Policies in Anglo-Indian schools.
Mr. Adrian Gilbert is an Anglo-Indian. He was born in East Pakistan, what is now Bangladesh, in 1960 and was there during East Pakistan's fight for independence from West Pakistan. He and his family emmigrated to Melbourne Australia in 1972, after a brief stay in Calcutta, India. He has just submitted his Ph.D thesis after studying in the Department of Anthropology and Sociology at Monash University, Melbourne. His work background is market and social research with particular emphasis on statistical modelling and computing.
Ms. Megan Mills is a Canadian. She is studying for her Ph.D at York University, Toronto. Her thesis is concerned with the contribution that the Scotch/Irish made in India. Obviously, this would include many Anglo-Indians with Scottish and Irish ancestors.
The editor will consider for publication short articles or research notes dealing with the Anglo-Indians. The issues covered in the articles may range from history, sociology and psychology to econometrics. Preference will be given to pieces emphasising current research data that might not otherwise be published. Material should be sent to the Editor - International Journal of Anglo-Indian Studies, The Centre of Anglo-Indian Studies, 1 Kurt Place, Noble Park, Victoria, Australia. 3174. Alternately, material may be sent directly via E-mail to the Editor Adrian Gilbert
The International Journal of Anglo-Indian Studies is also published in hard copy. Individuals or organisations wishing hard copy should get in touch with the Editor.