Withbert W. Payne, CPA (CA, USA), FCA (England & Wales)
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                                                JANUARY 1996

                  Author                            Title                         Publisher      Year

       *   Batliwala, Rashna    "Delusion and Distortion:  A Study of        Unpublished         1977
                                  Some Anglo-Indian Fiction."
                                  (Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of Mass.)

       *   Brennan, Nancy Lucill"The Anglo-Indians of Madras:  An            Unpublished         1979
                                  Ethnic Minority in Transition."
                                  (Ph.D. dissertation, Syracuse Univ.)

       *   Burjorjee, Dinshaw   "Anglo-Indian Politics in British Fiction:   Unpublished         1981
             Maneck               1939-1980."
                                  (Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of Maryland)

           Chatterjee, Evelyn AbAdaptation in a Changing Political           Unpublished         1982
                                  World.  The Anglo-Indian Problem.
                                  (Ph.D. dissertation, Concordia University)

           Daniell, Hector R. H."The Development of Anglo-Indian             Unpublished         1941
                                  Education and Its Problems."
                                  (Master of Education Thesis, Univ. of Leeds)

       *   Daniels-Gonsalves,   "The Anglo-Indian in Literature:             Unpublished         1989
             Linda                From Marginal to Visionary."
                                  (Master of Arts Degree, Univ. of Montreal)

       *   Dulai, Surjit Singh  "`The White Man's Burden' in Anglo-Indian    Unpublished         1965
                                  (Ph.D. dissertation, Michigan State Univ.)

       *   Goodrich, Dorris L.  "The Making of an Ethnic Group -             Unpublished         1952
                                  The Eurasian Community in India."
                                  (Ph.D. dissertation, U.C. Berkeley)

           Hawkes, Carol A.     "Anglo-Indian Fiction:  A Conflict           Unpublished         1953
                                  of Cultures as Seen by the Novelists."
                                  (Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia Univ.)

           Hawes, Christopher   "The Children of British Fathers and Indian  Unpublished         1995
                                  Mothers  1780-1830: A Social and Political

           Hemenway, Stephen Ign"E. M. Forster's `A Passage to India'        Unpublished         1972
                                  as a Touchstone for Two Traditions:
                                  Anglo-Indian and Indo-Anglian Novels."
                                  (Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of
                                  Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

       *   Israel, Milton       "The English in India and the Passing        Unpublished         1966
                                  of Empire:  The Anglo-Indian in
                                  Defense of Authority, 1905-1910."
                                  (Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of Michigan)

           Lee, Mary Helen      "The Eurasian:  A Social Problem."           Unpublished         1912
                                  (M.A. dissertation, Univ. of

           Lobo, Antoinette Iris"Anglo-Indians in Britain:  An               Unpublished         1988
             Grace                Educational Perspective of an Urban
                                  Ethnic - Minority Community."
                                  (Master of Arts Degree, Univ. of London)

       *   Malelu, Sharod John  "The Anglo-Indians: A Problem in             Unpublished         1964
                                  (Ph.D. dissertation, Ohio State)

           Mains, A.A.          "The Anglo Indian Community's Services       Unpublished         1996
                                  in World War II before, during and after"
                                  Oma Newsletter
       *   Sager, Nelson Christi"The Crisis of Identity in the Anglo-Indian  Unpublished         1974
                                  Fiction of Rudyard Kipling."
                                  (Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of
                                  California, Davis)

           Sastri, Hesaraghatta "Sir Edwin Arnold's Anglo-Indian Poetry."    Unpublished         1961
             Narasimha            (Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of
             Lakshminarasimha     Toronto, Canada)

           Sharod, John Malelu  "The Anglo-Indians: A Problem in Marginality."                   1964
                                  (Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor)

           Sheets, Sankey L.    "The Rise of Anglo-Indian Literature:        Unpublished         1938
                                  A Definition of the Term and the Place
                                  of the Letters and Journals of 1579-
                                  (Ph.D. dissertation, Boston Univ. Graduate School)

           Srivastava, Aruna    "The Pageant of Empire:  Paul Scott's        Unpublished         1989
                                  `The Raj Quartet' and Related Versions
                                  of Imperialism in the Anglo-Indian
                                  Novel (India)."
                                  (Ph.D. dissertation, McMaster Univ., Canada)

       *   VanDerVeur, Paul     "Introduction to a Socio-Political           Unpublished         1955
             Willem Johan         Study of the Eurasians of Indonesia."
                                  (Ph.D. dissertation, Cornell Univ.)

       *   Wright, Roy Dean     "Marginal Man in Transition:  A Study        Unpublished         1969
                                  of the Anglo-Indian Community in
                                  (Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. Mo., Columbia)

           *Bert Payne's Library