Written by Crickshanks
                                  Published in The Eurasian January 5, 1850

          When Britain from the azure sea                                      Nor let her more effect to scorn
          First rose the land of liberty                                       Her injured sons in India born
          This was her great commission                                        Whom she has cast away
          Go forth to India distant strand                                     But since they are her flesh and bone 
          Subdue and civilize her condition                                    Now let her make them in her own
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            And join them in her sway

                            And when thou once established there                                   This let her prove that she is just
                            They laws disperse them fair                                           A faithful guardian to her trust
                            And bless the whole nation                                             While every true Eurasian
                            To all and each extend thy grace                                       Obliged by more than filial ties
                            But Chiefly to an unborn race                                          On her defence shall gladly rise
                            That shall be called Eurasian                                          Against each hostile nation

          Allied to both the black and white                                    All hail to Britain and her laws
          They shall both interests unite                                       Heav'n prosper India and her cause
          And form the central props                                            All hail to both the nations
          Of all thy future ample sway                                          As Britain so let India be
          O'er this bright region of the day                                    A land of equal liberty
          This land of golden crops                                             To Britons and Eurasians

                            With steady hearts and souls of fire
                            To equal right they shall aspire
                            And equal honour too
                            Nor shouldst thou disallow their claim
                            For recollecting whence they came
                            They shall assert their due

          Such was the great the commission given
          To British by the Voice of Heaven
          Bear Witness Church and State
          Let her fulfill the high decree
          Write in the book of destiny
          The unerring book of fate