A COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER (only some issues on net)

Vol. 1 December 1982

Vol. 13 November 1989

Vol. 18 October 1992

Vol. 27 June 1995

Vol. 32 November 1996

Vol. 33 February 1997

All correspondence concerning subscriptions should be addressed to:
Anglo-lndians In touch.
C/o Lou Welsh
3852 Seebring Cres.,
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L5M 3X7.
(905) 820 4785 (ph)
(905) 820 7959 (fx)

E-Mail To: Mr. Lou Welsh

Anglo-lndians In Touch is published quarterly. Reprint permission must be given in writing by the publisher. Publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited malerial. Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome and will be returned upon request if accompanied by return postage. Articles appearing in Anglo-lndians In Touch express the opinions of the writers and not necessarily those of the editor.

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