REUNION III
                                                                                      "DAY OF THE FUTURE"
                                                                                      MARCH 15, 1995       Bert Payne

    A.   Entertainers                                                           F.       Women
           1. Cliff Richard - Lucknow                                                      1. Gloria Berry - (Ashoka Chakra)
           2. Engelbert Humperdinck - Madras                                               2. Helen of Burma (Helen Rodriguez) -
           3. Eden Kane/Tony Brent - Deolali                                                   Bangalore (George Cross)
           4. Merle Oberon - Calcutta                                                      3. "Chancy War" Article
                                                                                           4. Nurses/Telephones/Stewardess

    B.   Sports                                                                 G.       Newsworthy
           1. Leslie Claudius - Calcutta/Pearce Brothers - Jubbulpore                      1. George Brendish - Saved India/
           2. Christine Forage - Bombay                                                        Forgett, Bombay/Hearsay, Calcutta/
           3. Barry Ford - Calcutta                                                            Van Cortlandt, Punjab
           4. Jenny Sandison                                                               2. La Martiniere/Claud Martin
           5. Wilson Jones                                                                 3. Henry Derozio - Calcutta
           6. Jim Corbett - Naini Tal                                                      4. Charles Pote
                                                                                           5. Lord Liverpool/William Pitt/Elihu Yale
                                                                                           6. John Masters - Calcutta
                                                                                           7. Dorris Goodrich - Palouse, WA
    C.   Leaders                                                                           8. St. Gonsalo Garcia
           1. Frank Anthony - Jubbulpore
           2. Lt. Col. Sir Henry Albert John Gidney - Igatpuri
           3. John William Ricketts                                             H.       Authors
                                                                                           1. Herbert Alick Stark
                                                                                           2. Gloria Jean Moore - Lucknow
                                                                                           3. Frank Anthony
    D.   Military                                                                          4. Cedric Dover
           1. Sir Eyre Coote                                                               5. Reginald Maher/Owen Snell/
           2. Col. William Linnaeus Gardner/Maj. Hyder Young Hearsey/                          Kenneth Wallace
               Lt. Col. James Skinner - "Knight of the Order of the Bath"
           3. Lord Frederick Sleigh, Field Marshall, Earl, Roberts
           4. Flight Lieutenant Lief Robinson - Bangalore (VC)/
               Flight Lieutenant Warneford - Bangalore (VC; Croix-de-Guerre)/   I.  Current:  Leadership
               Guy Gibson - Simla/Dyson - Madras (VC)/Andrew Fitzgibbon (VC)

    E.   Business
           1. James Kyd
           2. Timothy Earnest McCluskie
           3. William "King" Palmer
           4. Customs/Telegraphs/Railways