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                                          ARTICLES ON ANGLO-INDIANS
                                                 JANUARY 1997

                Author                              Title                               Journal           Year

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                                                                                Vol. XIII, No. 2          1987

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       Allen, Charles           "A Forgotten Pioneer of Himalayan             Asian Affairs,              1980
                                  Exploration"                                  vol. 11(2)

       Anderson, George         "Anglo-Indian Education"                      The Asiatic Review,         Jan. 1939
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       Anderson, George         "Anglo-Indian Settlers Discontent             The Anglo-Indian            July 1927
                                  at Abbott Mount"                              Review, 17:13

       Anderson, George         "The Annual General Meeting"                  The Anglo-Indian            Nov-Dec
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       Anonymous                "A Close Knit, Fun-Loving Community"          AAI News                    March 27, 1992
                                   an extract from The Indian Express

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       Anonymous                "Amalgamation or Federation"                  The Anglo-Indian            Nov-Dec
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       Anonymous                "Anglo-Indians of Calcutta"                   Human Science,              1983

       Anonymous                "The Anglo-Indian Cause"                      Imperial Anglo-Indian       1898
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       Anonymous                "Anglo-Indians Made Bangalore a               Deacon Herald, India        June 9, 1983
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       Anonymous                "Bouquets for the Anglo-Burmese"              OMA Newsletter, 38          1994

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       Anonymous                "Brothers to Teach Art of Service"            Sunday Times                Mar 29, 1987

       Anonymous                "Brown is the Coulour of?"                    The Review                  May 20-26,

       Anonymous                "Calcutta Martiniere - Historical Highlights  OMA Newsletter, 46          1995

       Anonymous                "Calcutta Martiniere - Historical Highlights

       Anonymous                "Calcutta Martiniere - Historical Highlights

       Anonymous                "Cardinal Pitcachy"                           OMA Newsletter, 33          1993

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       Anonymous                "The Colonel fires the first Salvo"

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       Anonymous                "Confessions of an Eurasian: Social, Moral    The Asiatic Journal,        1838
                                  and Political"                                I: 362-414

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       Anonymous                "The Domiciled Comm. in India, an             European Schools in         May 1923
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                                   Anglo-Indians"                                                         1930

       Anonymous                "Frank Anthony - A Legend Passes On"          Anglo-Indians in            Jan. 1994
                                                                                Touch, Vol. XXII

       Anonymous                "From Little Acorns Big Trees Grow"           AAI News,                   1994-95
                                                                                Issue 5

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       Anonymous                "Gurkha Spirit Saves Colonel"                 Sunday Herald Sun           Nov 28, 1993

       Anonymous                "Harold on High"                              Sunday Times                1987

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                                  Domiciled European Community of India         vol. 18
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                                  Statutory (Simon) Commission"

       Anonymous                "Memorandum submitted by the Anglo-           Madras                      1928
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       Anonymous                "Mistletoe and Holly"                         The Statesman, India

       Anonymous                "Mutiny Medal for Martinian"                  OMA Newsletter, 27          1992

       Anonymous                "Old Boy Flashback"                           OMA Newsletter, 38          1994

       Anonymous                "Our Heritage Lives On"                       Anglo-Indians In            Jan. 1994
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       Anonymous                "Petition of the Indo-Britons of Calcutta"    The Asiatic Journal,        1829
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       Anonymous                "The Pulse of our People"                     Anglo-Indians In            June 1993
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       Anonymous                "The Recruitment and Training of British      An Anthropologist           1987
                                  Civil Servants in India"                      Among the Historians

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       Anonymous                "Singapore's Eurasians"                       Asiaweek                    July 27, 1994

       Anonymous                "Status of Women in Anglo-Indian              MsR:4, 38-45                July-Sept.
                                   (Eurasian) Community"                                                  1929

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       Anonymous                "Topics of the Day No. 1.  A                  Calcutta                    1881
                                  Consideration of the Causes that
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     * Chaliha, Jaya &          "Anglo-Indians, Pioneers and Prodigies"
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       Champagnac, C.           "Courage is Destiny"                          OMA Newsletter, 44          1995

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